Speaker Profile

Forrest Breyfogle
Forrest Breyfogle
CEOCEO of Smarter Solutions, Inc.,

Mr. Forrest Breyfogle from the University of Texas has an MS in Engineering and a BSME from the Missouri University of Science and Technology.

Mr. Breyfogle began his career with IBM in development as a mechanical engineer and later transferred to the product test organization.

During this time, he became very interested in the benefits of using statistical techniques. From 1980 to 1992, he served IBM as an internal statistical consultant in applying Six Sigma methodology to testing, development, manufacturing, and service organizations.

Forrest's first book, Statistical Methods for Testing, Development, and Manufacturing, was published by Wiley in 1992. Forrest also took a bridge to retirement from IBM in 1992.

After a 24-year career with IBM, Forrest Breyfogle founded Smarter Solutions, Inc. (SSI) in 1992.

Forrest is a Professional Engineer and ASQ Fellow.

Recognized worldwide as a management thought leader and innovator, Mr. Breyfogle has published over 150 technical articles for various publications.

Mr. Breyfogle has conducted many keynote presentations worldwide about business management and process improvement. He has been interviewed by television, radio, and publication editors about managing the dynamics of organizations and the application of all forms of enterprise improvement methodologies.

Forrest and the Smarter Solutions team have conducted many Lean Six Sigma workshops worldwide and consulted with many organizations about enhancing their business measurements and process improvement efforts.

Forrest has coached various individuals and organizations on wisely applying Lean and Six Sigma techniques. Smarter Solutions, Inc. has been honored to serve a distinguished group of Fortune 100 clients and many others in various industries.

Forrest has authored over fifteen business management and process improvement books. Implementing Six Sigma, published in 1999, was the first technical book on Six Sigma. The second edition of this book won the ASQ Crosby Medal in 2004.

Forrest authored (2008-2010) a five-book Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) set that provides management advancements in utilizing and integrating scorecards, strategic planning, and process improvement.

In 2020, Forrest authored Management 2.0: Discovery of Integrated Enterprise Excellence and Leadership System 2.0: Implementing Integrated Enterprise Excellence. These novel-written books are available in audiobook, paperback, and ebook formats.

On May 2, 2023, Forrest and his team were granted the patent titled "Systems and Methods for Measuring and Reporting Enterprise Performance and Making Process Improvements."

Quality Magazine named Mr. Breyfogle Quality Professional of the Year for 2011.

Forrest was awarded Alumni of the Year by the Missouri University of Science and Technology in 2012.

Forrest has served on the Board of Advisors for the University of Texas Center for Performance Excellence. He serves on the board of directors for The Williamson County Institute for Excellence in Nonprofits, Inc.

Upcoming Webinars Recorded Webinars
Forrest Breyfogle

Metric Reports that Lead to the Best Behaviors (Using a Free App)

Effective Key Performance Indicator (KPI) metric management in an organization is critical; however, there are issues with traditional metric reporting and its accompanying goal-setting practices.

Speaker: Forrest Breyfogle | View Anytime | Duration: 90 Minutes | Price: $199.00 | View Details
Forrest Breyfogle

Lean Six Sigma and Operational Excellence 2.0

This session describes how to solve costly business problems and add real value to organizations by applying the best of Lean Six Sigma with enhanced score-carding within an Operational Excellence system.

Speaker: Forrest Breyfogle | View Anytime | Duration: 90 Minutes | Price: $199.00 | View Details
Forrest Breyfogle

Metric Reports that Lead to the Best Behaviors (Using a Free App)

Effective Key Performance Indicator (KPI) metric management in an organization is critical; however, there are issues with traditional metric reporting and its accompanying goal-setting practices.

Speaker: Forrest Breyfogle | View Anytime | Duration: 90 Minutes | Price: $399.00 | View Details
Forrest Breyfogle

Lean Six Sigma and Operational Excellence 2.0

This session describes how to solve costly business problems and add real value to organizations by applying the best of Lean Six Sigma with enhanced score-carding within an Operational Excellence system.

Speaker: Forrest Breyfogle | View Anytime | Duration: 90 Minutes | Price: $399.00 | View Details