Excel’s 500+ functions represent a potent set of power tools that simplifies many different kinds of formulas and give you a huge number of computational possibilities.
Some of the more important Excel functions are those categorized as Lookup and Reference functions. In addition to the widely used VLOOKUP function (and its companion HLOOKUP), significant functions like MATCH, INDEX, SWITCH, and CHOOSE are also needed at different times to retrieve data from lists and tables. Two newer functions - XLOOKUP and XMATCH - provide powerful new capabilities and ease of use and can ultimately replace the use of VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, and MATCH functions. Newer lookup functions include CHOOSEROWS, CHOOSECOLS, TAKE, and DROP - additional tools to get to the data you need quickly and efficiently. This session presents in-depth coverage of all these functions, as well as providing attendees with the perspective they need to understand the scope and depth of these important Excel features.
Why should you Attend:
Among Excel’s 500+ functions is a category - Lookup & Reference - that contains some of the most important and widely used of all Excel functions. In fact, based on Microsoft analysis of Excel usage, the VLOOKUP function is the third most frequently used function (after SUM and AVERAGE) in Excel.
This webinar focuses on not only VLOOKUP, but also companion functions - HLOOKUP, INDEX, and MATCH - that have long been available in Excel, but also the newer functions, like XLOOKUP, which will ultimately replace both VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP and the XMATCH function, a replacement for the widely used MATCH function.
In addition to providing examples of the more significant lookup functions (there are 26 of them), this webinar gives you insight into Excel’s new calculation engine that can provide multiple answers from a single formula that spills results into adjacent cells.
All examples will be presented within the context of Excel worksheets based on real-life examples encountered over the past 25 years of Excel consulting and teaching experience.
Numerous productivity tips, shortcuts, and accelerator tools will be presented throughout the session.
Areas Covered in the Session: