Role Of Cognitive Load In Medical Device Design And Human Error Prevention

  • Monday
  • July
  • 15
  • 2024
10:00 AM PDT | 01:00 PM EDT
90 Minutes
Charles H. Paul Instructor:
Charles H. Paul
Webinar Id:

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The webinar delves into the critical nexus between healthcare technology and user performance. The 90-minute session begins with an exploration of cognitive load, dissecting its intrinsic, extraneous, and germane components

The webinar delves into the critical nexuBy unraveling the complexities of cognitive load, participants gain a profound understanding of how the mental burden associated with interacting with medical devices can impact decision-making and contribute to human error. The webinar then navigates through the pivotal realm of human factors engineering, shedding light on the symbiotic relationship between cognitive load and effective medical device design. Through real-world examples, case studies, and interactive discussions, attendees discover practical methods for assessing cognitive load and glean insights into successful design strategies that minimize user burden, foster usability, and enhance patient safety.

Throughout the session, the webinar bridges theory and application, offering tangible guidance on integrating cognitive load considerations into the medical device design process. Drawing from both successful and cautionary examples, participants learn how simplicity, clarity, and consistency in user interface design can play a pivotal role in mitigating cognitive load challenges. The event also explores the collaborative effort required between designers, engineers, and healthcare professionals, emphasizing the importance of ongoing assessment and improvement in the ever-evolving landscape of medical technology. As the webinar concludes, participants leave armed with actionable insights, a comprehensive understanding of cognitive load's role in medical device design, and the tools needed to drive positive change in the pursuit of safer and more effective healthcare solutions.

Why should you Attend: Participants in this webinar stand to gain invaluable insights at the intersection of healthcare technology and user experience. In a dynamic 90-minute session, attendees will unravel the complexities of cognitive load and its profound impact on decision-making, delving into practical strategies for designing medical devices that prioritize user-friendly interfaces and mitigate the risk of human error. From real-world examples to interactive case studies, participants will glean actionable knowledge that spans product design, human factors engineering, regulatory compliance, and more.

This training equips professionals across various functions, from product development to clinical practice, with the tools to contribute meaningfully to the creation of safer, more efficient healthcare solutions. Whether you are a designer, engineer, healthcare provider, or regulatory specialist, this webinar promises to be a transformative experience, fostering a deeper understanding of cognitive load's role in medical device design and empowering participants to drive positive change within their organizations.

Areas Covered in the Session:

  • Introduction
    • Brief overview of the importance of medical device design in healthcare safety
    • Introduction to the central theme: Cognitive Load and its impact on human error
  • Understanding Cognitive Load
    • Definition and components of cognitive load
    • Types of cognitive load: intrinsic, extraneous, and germane
    • Importance of managing cognitive load in medical device design
  • Human Factors in Medical Device Design
    • Overview of human factors engineering in healthcare
    • The relationship between human factors and cognitive load
    • Real-world examples of the consequences of neglecting cognitive load in medical devices
  • Cognitive Load Assessment
    • Methods for evaluating cognitive load in medical device usability testing
    • Tools and techniques for identifying cognitive load challenges
  • Design Strategies for Minimizing Cognitive Load
    • Simplicity and clarity in user interface design
    • Consistency and standardization in interactions
    • Reducing unnecessary information and decision points
    • Incorporating feedback loops and error prevention mechanisms
  • Practical Implementation
    • Guidance on integrating cognitive load considerations into the medical device design process
    • Collaboration between designers, engineers, and healthcare professionals
    • Resources and tools for ongoing cognitive load assessment and improvement
  • Future Trends and Considerations
    • Emerging technologies and their impact on cognitive load in medical device design
    • Anticipated challenges and opportunities in the evolving healthcare landscape

Who Will Benefit:
  • Product Design and Development Teams
  • Human Factors and Usability Teams
  • Quality Assurance and Regulatory Compliance Teams
  • Clinical and Healthcare Professionals
  • Training and Education Departments
  • Risk Management Teams
  • Marketing and Sales Teams
  • Customer Support and Service Teams

Speaker Profile
Charles H. Paul is the President of C. H. Paul Consulting, Inc. - a regulatory, manufacturing, training, and technical documentation consulting firm - celebrating its twentieth year in business in 2017. He has been a regulatory and management consultant and an Instructional Technologist for 30 years and has published numerous white papers on various regulatory and training subjects. The firm works with both domestic and international clients designing solutions for complex training and documentation issues.

He has held senior positions in consulting and in corporate training development prior to forming C. H. Paul Consulting, Inc. He also worked for several years in government contracting managing the development of significant Army-wide training development contracts impacting virtually all of the active Army and changing the training paradigm throughout the military.

He has dedicated his entire professional career explaining the benefits of performance-based training

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